Tuesday 7 July 2009


You may think that any reasonable person who has studied the Lockerbie bombing case have to be able to see that Megrahi, the Libyan, is innocent.You may think that the Scottish court hearing Megrahi's appeal have to have decided by now, early July 2009, that Megrahi is innocent. A decision on Megrahi, by the Scottish court, was usual by early July 2009.However, it has now been announced that single of the judges, Lord Wheatley, is 'off sick'.Op delays Lockerbie appealA decision on the appeal will not now be complete until the autumn.Defence QC Maggie Scott expressed "dismay" at the delay.She said: "There is a very real risk my client will die before this case is adjudicated."Lord Fraser was the lord advocate (1989-92) who initiated the case against Megrahi (the Libyan convicted in the Lockerbie trial). On 20 December 2006 Lord Fraser was detained by police after they were called to Dundee Airport following reports of a disturbance on board an aircraft. Lord Fraser was emotional with disorderly conduct. It was announced on 2 February 2007 that the Crown Office had dropped these charges due to inadequate evidence that an offence had been committed.Lord Hardie, as Lord Advocate 1997-2000, was due to lead the prosecution team in the Lockerbie trial. Lord Hardie submissive just before the Lockerbie trial began. There were rumours that there was a be short of of evidence to convict the Libyans.Dr Hans Kochler, the United Nations spectator appointed to oversee the Lockerbie trial, supposed the Lockerbie trial was "not fair and was not conducted in an objective manner". ( UN Lockerbie trial spectator urges independent investigation into the case )The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) examined the Lockerbie case. Kochler supposed about the SCCRC: "In giving forgiveness to the police, prosecutors, and forensic staff, I think they show their be short of of independence. "No officials to be blamed, simply a Maltese shopkeeper. They also clear the original trial and appeal defence team and this also surprises me. "I have doubts that the Scottish judicial system has learned anything from the Lockerbie trial." Http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/other/display.var.1506988.0.0.phpTam Dalyell, previous MP, said: "SO WHERE does the report of the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission leave the reputation of Scottish justice? "As the son-in-law of previous Lord Justice Clerk, John Wheatley, and as single who helped to persuade Libya to surrender Al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah and Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi to the Scottish lawful process it care me to say: 'In proverbial tatters.'..."Http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=184&id=1014702007~~~aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidenceaangirfan: Lockerbie Bomb and Ecuador and New Zealandaangirfan: McKie case linked to Lockerbie; Scottish justice ...
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