Saturday 4 July 2009

Fox Noise on Canadian private insurance boom

By: Divorced single like BushThis is a heads up. Fox news has a report out that there is a rise in private insurance activity in Canada. The article suggests that it is because of all the wait time that people are tired of do to a lack of doctors and possibly the low fees. And, that may be true, especially being there was a Quebec Supreme Court ruling on it. If you google the headline, you will find a lot of a redistribution touting this article as a sort of proof that the Canadian system really is bad stuff.But, and with Fox there is always a butt, what they do not tell you is that their article is based on a report in the CMAJ â€" JAMC article from 2008: Canada Health Act breaches are being ignored, pro-medicare groups chargePrivate for-profit medical clinics are proliferating crossways the country, according to a detailed report by pro-medicare groups.The number of such clinics has greater than before significantly over the past 5 years and there's evidence "to suspect that 89 for-profit clinics in 5 provinces appear to be in breach of the Canada Health Act," states the 169-page Eroding Public Medicare: Lessons and Consequences of For-Profit Health Care Across Canada report.But federal and provincial officials "have fallen down in their responsibility to defend patients against extra billing and 2-tier care," says report author Natalie Mehra, director of the Ontario Health Coalition.The Fox article quotes the same Natalie, but not those quotes.The CMAJ article continues: Researchers also found evidence of physicians practising in hospitals but referring patients to their private for-profit businesses, where medically essential services would be provided additional quickly, for an out-of-pocket fee...So, some against the law stuff is going on (boom in private activity), the administration was suppose to do something about it, but it didn't. Can you say “conservative, Milton Freedmon governance”? Continuing: In 1995, then-federal physical condition minister Diane Marleau issued a policy understanding correspondence vocation on provinces to introduce “regulatory frameworks” to govern the operation of private clinics, and make against the law the “facility fees” charged by private clinics which give publicly-insured services.Basically as I read the real article, the boom is in fact starting to create what we have here in the USA. A two class society concerning physical condition care access with rising expenditures as doc's have the market opportunity to charge additional via money deals. Kind of a black market situation? Is the solution to be additional like us, otherwise is the solution to resolve the courage neck of not enough doctors? Or maybe the problem is that once you let people who can pay for them self do so (choice?), you begin the obliteration of what was a system that treated everyone equally. That is, for a basic person need such as physical condition care, everyone is of the same stature. We have a great opportunity here with Canada. What happened in our banking system is what has happened to Canada's physical condition care funding system. Same philosophy implimented, same distruction for the benefit of the few.We are seeing the effects of what happens when the philosophy of individual freedom is made predominat in an economic system that assured equality concerning basic needs. That is the key: Basic Needs. Not wants, not money further than independent consumption, but money at independent consumption. It is liberal finances vs Jefferson democracy economics. Personal economic freedom for needs funnels down the benefits of person progress to fewer people instead of expanding the benefits to every additional people.There was single correspondence responding to the CMAJ article. An open correspondence to the minister of healthPaul C. Hébert, MD MHSc, Editor-in-ChiefAfter additional than a decade, the physical condition system has not completely recovered from the last round of federal cuts in the mid-1990s. The large reduction of about 10% in federal funding for physical condition forced provincial governments to axe a lot of physical condition care programs, close some hospitals and reduce the number of beds in the remaining institutions, as well as slash training positions for physicians and previous physical condition care providers... Provincial governments have become much additional independent and, in a lot of instances, unwilling to adopt new programs and standards in the interest of all Canadians. The incomplete jurisdictional battle between federal and provincial governments, whether over First Nations health, public health, access to care and expensive medications otherwise the setting of national standards, suggests that the federal administration has little influence on Canada’s physical condition systems. The ability of the provinces to offer private services1 and mount administrative barriers to portability of services without consequences is a constant reminder of this damaged federal authority...Canada’s physical condition care systems seem to be moving further and further away from fulfilling the promise of the Canada Health Act. The reason for limited progress is an erosion of national management in health. Successive federal governments have either decreased investments or, through inaction, authorized physical condition to be a purely provincial matter. Despite the importance of physical condition in the minds of the voting public, we remain very worried that physical condition has slipped entirely off the federal agenda.Get it? What is in fact happening in Canada is the results of the Grover Norquist training manual for conservative governance, the goal of which is the drowning of anything that suggests a social conscience.
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