Wednesday, 1 July 2009


Michael Jackson knew he was surrounded by dodgy people."Jew me, Sue me" and "Kick me, Kike me," were words from single of his songs, They Don't Care About Us. (ADL OUTRAGED THAT MICHAEL JACKSON HAS REINSTATED ANTI-SEMITIC ...)"They suck...they're like leeches...I'm consequently tired of it," Jackson reportedly supposed of the Jews. (Michael Jackson, murdered by banksters)Certain people, not necessarily Jewish, are trying to spread disinformation about Michael Jackson's death?Dieter Wiesner, Michael Jackson's former manager, is trying to make out that Michael Jackson took too a lot of pain killing drugs.Dieter Wiesner?Reportedly, Dieter Wiesner is known for operating gender clubs and brothels in Germany.( - Jacko Loses Logo; Manager Owns Sex Clubs.)Reportedly, Wiesner̢۪s former partners and employees say Wiesner was put on trial for fraud and trade stolen goods."Wiesner can be seen lurking in the background on the infamous videotape of Jackson hanging a baby from a German bar balcony." (, Janet Arvizo claimed that Dieter Wiesner supposed her and her family prisoner at Neverland."Wiesner was also part of a list of characters referred to by Jackson's ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, as 'opportunistic vultures' when she testified at the 2005 trial where Jackson was acquitted on false molestation allegations. (Dieter Wiesner Lawsuit Dismissed - T)NOW, Rupert Murdoch's SUN paper tells us (So wasted on drugs, he could not put fork in his mouth):"MICHAEL Jackson got consequently spaced out on drugs that he could not lift a fork to his mouth at dinner, his former boss has revealed.Dieter Wiesner, who managed the late Thriller star from 1996-2003, claims his medicine use spun out of control as child gender abuse allegations piled up."Reportedly, Wiesner and Marc Schaffel are currently suing 'Michael Jackson' for money they say he owes them. (Michael Jackson, murdered by banksters)Reportedly, Marc Schaffel was a gay porn producer.Who's Bad?USA seeks to control Honduras? BBC SIDES WITH THE SPOOKS OVER LONDON TUBE BOMBING... Swine flu: Wayne Madsen claims 2 Universities engineered the strains... MURDOCH NEWSPAPER'S 'DISINFORMATION' ABOUT MICHAEL JACKSON... Does the CIA take an interest in music? MICHAEL JACKSON HAD A DOUBLE Michael Jackson and CIA Mind Control MICHAEL JACKSON WAS RAPED? MICHAEL JACKSON, SWINE FLU AND THE CIA BETA will ruin YouTube? MICHAEL JACKSON AND THE CIA
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