Saturday, 18 July 2009

Win James Robertson Justice

...or at least his biography, in the newest Liberal England quiz.James Robertson Justice (1907-75; henceforth JRJ) was a British film actor, famous for his depiction of the formidable Sir Lancelot Spratt in the Doctor films of the 1950s and 60s. He was much also besides: a professional racing driver, a fighter in the Spanish civil war, a Labour parliamentary candidate, falconry tutor to the young Prince Charles.To win his memoirs (only one prize this time, I am afraid) just identify these five films in which he appeared.1. A story of British great courage with a famous score by Sir Ralph Vaughan Williams.2. In this Ealing Comedy JRJ, beam the great line: "It's a famous medical fact that some men are born two drinks below par." 3. This lesser-known Ealing Comedy starred a small boy called William Fox who grew up to be James Fox - and Billie Piper's dad in law. (JRJ appeared under the pseudonym Seamus Mòr na Feusag.)4. In this film JRJ asked "You - what's the bleeding time" and Dirk Bogarde replied "Ten past ten, sir."5. A classic family melodic that also featured Stanley Unwin, Max Wall and Benny Hill.Please e-mail me your answers. The question closes at 23:59 on Monday 27 July 2009.
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