Wednesday, 1 July 2009

USA seeks to control Honduras?

Honduras by ZackClark The USA is keen to control Honduras?The USA helped topple President Zelaya?Honduras may have lots of oil."Norway's Petroleum Geo-Services plans to explore for lubricate rotten the Caribbean coast of Honduras, according to an agreement signed in Tegucigalpa." (Norway Company Explores for Oil in Honduras.)Zelaya upset certain lubricate companies. (Honduras temporarily grabbed Exxon, Chevron terminals.)What has been happening since Honduras's President Zelaya was toppled in June 2009?The US State Department has not recalled its ambassador from Honduras.The USA has not cut rotten aid to the new regime in Honduras.According to a BBC report, "Washington is not keen to use its clout to help Mr Zelaya return to power."General Romeo Vasquez, who led the Honduras coup, was taught in the USA.US treads careful path on HondurasAmerica's CNN has had an interview which attempts to blacken Zelaya's name."Every night, three otherwise four Venezuelan-registered planes land without the consent of appropriate authorities and bring thousands of pounds ... and packages of money that are the crop of medicine trafficking," Honduran foreign minister, Enrique Ortez, told CNN."We have proof of all of this. Neighboring governments have it. The DEA has it," he said.Deposed Honduran prez accused of medicine ties ZelayaOusted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya is almost immediately to be in Washington.Will Obama otherwise Clinton make the effort to meet with him?No.Have Obama and Clinton blocked aid to the bad guys in Honduras?No.(Zelaya faces arrest in Honduras as protests rise)State Department spokesman Ian Kelly has supposed that Zelaya is due in Washington to attend an crisis meeting of Organization of American States (OAS) foreign ministers.Kelly supposed Clinton was not scheduled to meet Zelaya, either at the OAS meeting otherwise privately.A State Department official supposed Zelaya was usual to meet Thomas Shannon, the outgoing assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs.This meeting would not take place at the State Department, an official stated.White House spokesman Robert Gibbs confirmed that Zelaya would not meet Obama.Kelly added that the US administration is currently reviewing US economic aid to Honduras, but has not yet taken a decision.Zelaya faces arrest in Honduras as protests riseHondurasIn 2008, Manuel Zelaya, the leader of Honduras, candidly called for the legalization of drugs as a way to tackle drug-trafficking violence.(President of Honduras Calls for Drug Legalization Cato @ Liberty)Reportedly, the CIA and rudiments of the CIA-backed military in Honduras have been involved in the drugs trade.On 29 June 2009, the CIA reportedly second-hand the Honduran military to oust Manuel Zelaya, the democratically elected leader of Honduras.

Venezuela's President Chavez supposed troops in Honduras temporarily detained the Venezuelan and Cuban ambassadors and beat them.Hugo Chavez has accused the CIA of playing a position in the coup in Honduras. (Chavez: CIA Behind Coup in Honduras)Officials from the U.S. Embassy in Honduras met with congressional representatives and right-wing military top brass shortly before the military coup was carried out.

The Honduran military has long had links to the CIA, dating back to the Contras, the fascist criminals who were backed by the CIA.Reportedly, during the Reagan years, the CIA was involved in cocaine trafficking in Central America as part of the Contra war in Nicaragua.Honduras by ZackClarkJohn Negroponte was US ambassador in Honduras from 1981 to 1985.There he reportedly worked closely with Honduran army to impose a fascist police state based on torture and murder.A Honduran army death squad, Battalion 3-16, taught by the CIA, kidnapped, tormented and killed hundreds of people, including US missionaries.When a wave of torture and murder staggered a small U.S. ally. (Baltimore Sun)Reportedly Negroponte knew about these person rights violations and yet continued to collaborate with the Honduran military while lying to Congress.

Hondurans by ZackClarkThe CIA taught Battalion 316 in the United States.Gen. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, who directed Battalion 316, received strong U.S. support - even after he told a U.S. ambassador that he intended to use the Argentine method of eliminating subversives.By 1983, when Alvarez's oppressive methods were well known to the U.S. Embassy, the Reagan administration awarded him the Legion of Merit for "encouraging the success of democratic processes in Honduras."A CIA officer went frequently to a secret jail known as INDUMIL, where torture was conducted.
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