The Feudal System still seems to be in place.
Who is running the world?Jesuits, Zionists, Freemasons otherwise what?Imagine a group of bankers holding a meeting in the 1950s. They would like the USA to control North Korea and Vietnam. How easy will this be?Think of the Middle Ages in Europe and how difficult it was for powerful people to stop civil wars, global conflicts and schisms within the church.
Kissinger unsuccessful in Vietnam?The outstanding churchofnobody.blogspot/ has been wondering if certain banking families rule the world by using the paedophocracy.The paedophocracy is "as an organised satanistic structure comprising the CIA, European aristocracy, and most tiers of most government..." - Power in Inverse Proportion to PublicityAre bankers all powerful?"People get dead beat all the time, presidents included: Has anyone ever dead beat a Rothschild?" - Two Disinfo Programmes ComparedPossibly, yes.Amschel Rothschild, who was in line to lead the Rothschild family's banking dynasty, 'committed suicide' in 1996.(Rothschild Bank Confirms Death of Heir.)Two French newspapers reported that a chambermaid establish Amschel hanged in his space at the Bristol Hotel in Paris.Amschel's grandfather Charles 'committed suicide' in 1923."French police have strong-minded that Amschel Rothschild, successor to the wonderful Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, accordingto well-placed European sources." - POLICE SAY AMSCHEL WAS MURDERED
The Three EstatesDoes the 'paedophocracy' manage to escape all media publicity?The UK's Daily Mail ('I have known about Jersey paedophiles for 15 years,'.)has given us part of the story:"I met the scared policeman at an isolated country restaurant, a lot of miles from his home and station. Detective Constable Peter Cook had finally despaired, and decided to blow the whistle to a reporter..."He had uncovered a vicious child sex ring, with victims in both Britain and the Channel Islands, and he required me to get his information to police abuse specialists in London."Incredibly, he claimed that his superiors had barred him from alerting them."He feared a cover-up: a lot of ring members were powerful and wealthy. But I did not think him paranoid: I specialised in exposing child abuse scandals and knew, from separate sources, of men apparently concurrent to this ring."They included an aristocrat, clerics and a social services chief. Their friends included senior police officers."
Rule by terror. Peterloo Massacre in the UK.
Aangirfan wonders if the Feudal System is still in place.In the feudal system, you have scores and scores of top families who control enormous amounts of wealth and power by using terror; and by using religion; and bribery; and seduction.The bankers might look important, but they are nothing without the support of the generals; and the generals need the bankers and merchants.The barons, bishops, knights, merchants and bankers are usually in alliance; but sometimes the various top families fall out with each previous and lots of dirt gets thrown around.Sometimes the King gets most of the publicity, but some bishop otherwise banker might be highly powerful behind the scenes; but I do not think the public is ever totally ignorant of the power of people like Cardinal Wolsey otherwise Cardinal de Richelieu otherwise Henry Kissinger.Today, I do not think any one group is of necessity all powerful. Certain child abusing freemasons otherwise certain top Jewish bankers might exercise a lot of influence in certain areas but they are not all powerful.What we might have is shifting alliances of various factions.And the institution with the most power might well be the Pentagon, the people who have been performing badly in Afghanistan. A Rothschild home.If the bankers were all powerful they might not have experienced consequently a lot of problems over the years?In 2004, David de Rothschild (b. 1942), head of the French family, took over from Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. (The Rothschild story: A fair-haired age ends for a secretive dynasty.)David de Rothschild will remember that the Luftwaffe seized the family home in Paris and his mom had to leave Nazi Europe.In 1981, President Mitterrand nationalised the French financial empire, Banque Rothschild.Who rules the world?According to historian Andrew Roberts (Democracy: Who rules the world - The Observer):"The Chinese, sadly."As the asleep giant finally awakens after six centuries, they are the ones with enough US Treasury bonds to dominate Western capitalism as almost immediately as the instant appears ripe for them."~~Watch Live TV on your Laptop or Desktop PC!
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