Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Obama snubs ousted Honduran President?
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Michael Jackson's death
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Strangely, CATO missed the AZ, IN, and MS budget crises
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Monday, 29 June 2009
In Which Gred Mankiw Displays Alarming Ignorance about that Giant Glowing Red Triangle Across the River
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Venezuela's President Chavez said troops in Honduras temporarily detained the Venezuelan and Cuban ambassadors and beat them.Hugo Chavez has accused the CIA of live a role in the coup in Honduras. (Chavez: CIA Behind Coup in Honduras)Officials from the U.S. Embassy in Honduras met with congressional representatives and right-wing military top nerve shortly before the military coup was carried out.
The Honduran military has long had links to the CIA, dating back to the Contras, the fascist criminals who were backed by the CIA.Reportedly, during the Reagan years, the CIA was involved in cocaine trafficking in Central America as part of the Contra war in Nicaragua.Honduras by ZackClarkJohn Negroponte was US diplomat in Honduras from 1981 to 1985.There he reportedly worked closely with Honduran army to impose a fascist police state based on torture and murder.A Honduran army death squad, Battalion 3-16, taught by the CIA, kidnapped, tormented and killed hundreds of people, including US missionaries.When a wave of torture and murder staggered a small U.S. ally. (Baltimore Sun)Reportedly Negroponte knew about these human rights violations and yet continued to collaborate with the Honduran military while lying to Congress.
Hondurans by ZackClarkThe CIA taught Battalion 316 in the United States.Gen. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, who directed Battalion 316, inward strong U.S. support - even after he told a U.S. diplomat that he intended to use the Argentine method of eliminating subversives.By 1983, when Alvarez's oppressive methods were well known to the U.S. Embassy, the Reagan administration awarded him the Legion of Merit for "encouraging the success of democratic processes in Honduras."A CIA officer went often to a secret jail known as INDUMIL, where torture was conducted.~~MICHAEL JACKSON HAD A DOUBLEMichael Jackson and CIA Mind ControlMICHAEL JACKSON WAS RAPED?MICHAEL JACKSON, SWINE FLU AND THE CIABETA will ruin YouTube?MICHAEL JACKSON AND THE CIAWatch live TV on your laptop or desktop PC within seconds!
More from CBO's 'Long Term Budget Outlook'
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Stokesay Castle, Shropshire
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Michael Jackson's death
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Unsolicited Advice to Makers of Computers
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Sunday, 28 June 2009
The original Michael Jackson. In 1999, Michael Jackson complete an appearance at the Queen's Theatre in Barnstaple, in the UK.He was accompanied by ten bodyguards, he sang four numbers, and he dead in a stretch limo.A statement from Jackson's record company complete it clear that the Michael Jackson in Barnstable was not the real Michael Jackson.(The square chin. The deep voice. But was it really Michael Jackson ...)
This is Michael Jackson's father. Like father, like son.Some people believe that the real Michael Jackson disappeared a lot of years ago."Listen to the tracks on albums after 'Thriller'...listen closely to the voice...it's not him."The new chap did an effective enough job in the videos, and in the ever-increasingly rare public appearances..."but I think finally those a small number of in the know came to see that their waged charlatan was rising increasingly crazy - and in that they saying a new advertising tack to exploit." - (Michael Jackson Died in 1984 - Rafielz - Open Salon)
A fake General Montgomery? The real General Montgomery?In 1944, just before D-Day, M.E. Clifton James, who looked like Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, was sent to Gibraltar and North Africa, in order to deceive the Germans about the site of the coming invasion. This story was the subject of a book and film, "I Was Monty's Double".
The Reagan White House was concurrent to boy prostitution. Strange belongings happened in Michael Jackson's life.
Michael was born in 1958.
Allegedly, he was sexually abused by people concurrent to the CIA. (MICHAEL JACKSON AND THE CIA / MICHAEL JACKSON WAS RAPED?)
In 1978, Michael Jackson starred as Scarecrow in the melodic film The Wiz. (Wizard of Oz)[20]
In CIA brianwashing, much use is complete of imagery from the Wizard of Oz which has much occult symbolism. (Mk Ultra )
Was 1978 the end of the real Michael Jackson?
In 1979, Jackson reportedly broke his nose during a dance routine.
His rhinoplasty surgery was 'not a complete success'; he reportedly complained of breathing difficulties. He was referred to Dr. Steven Hoefflin, who performed following operations.[22]
In 1982 came 'Thriller'.
Was a new Jackson manufactured by the CIA? Was the new Jackson to spread the corrupt ideas that would advance the CIA's agenda?
Does the new Michael Jackson look like the old Michael Jackson?
A fake? A fake?The BBCâs Panorama programme told us that Saddam Hussein, a CIA asset, had a lot of doubles.
The security services like to use doubles.
Various Saddams Saddam without a mole.
Mohamed Atta, reportedly a CIA asset, seems to have had a double.
Atta was seen on a Jack Abramoff casino ship. (The Secret World of Jack Abramoff / Filmmaker Hopsicker Discusses Odd Activities Of 911 'Ringleader ... )
Atta had Mossad living next entrance to him.
Atta beam Hebrew but could not speak German to his flight instructor.
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Decimate or Alienate
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King Of Pop Dead At 12
Saturday, 27 June 2009
I do not know what would be more appropriate right now then jokes about Michael Jackson dying. If you have any to add do so in the comments section.
- Michael Jackson hasn’t been this stiff since Macully Culkin spent the night at Neverland Ranch.
- Because Jackson’s body was 95% plastic, he will be melted down and turned into legos, this way kids can play with him for a change.
- Reports that Michael Jackson has died of a heart attack in his home are untrue… He actually died having a stroke in the children’s ward.
- In the spirit of recycling, Michael Jackson will be melted down into plastic party cups so kids can still get their lips around his rim.
- In accordance with Michael Jackson’s will, little boys’ pants shall be flown at half-mast today.
- Doctors are looking into claims that MJ’s death could have been caused by an allergic reaction from eating 12 year old nuts.
- I heard Michael Jackson died of food poisoning from eating a 5 year old wiener.
- Micheal jackson will always be with us… he is not biodegradable.
- Farrah Fawcett arrived at the Pearly Gates and God asked her what he could do for her having led such an honest life. Farrah asked God to simply make sure the children of the world were safe. Five minutes later, Michael Jackson died.
- MJ’s dying wish was to be melted down and turned into straws so he can still get sucked on by kids.
- It has been released that MJs last wish was that he wants to be melted down and made into a slide so kids can go down on him forever.
- In memory of MJ’s death, McDonald’s is coming out with the new “McJackson”. It’s 50 year old meat between 12 year old buns.
- Michael Jackson’s ashes are going to be put in an Etch A Sketch so kids can still twiddle his knob.
- Michael Jackson’s death has now been ruled a suicide. Apparently doctors told him that the only way he could get whiter is if he died.
- Only in America can someone be born a poor black kid, and die a rich white woman.
- Madonna sent her condolences to the Jackson family. Then asked how much they wanted for the kids.
- Breaking News: Casper the friendly ghost was molested in the early hours of this morning!
- Michael Jackson’s last words: “Take me to the Children’s Hospital!”
- What was Michael Jacksons last hit? The floor!
- Michael Jackson died of a heart attack. He really shouldn’t have looked at the man in the mirror.